شماره جدید فصلنامه JIST منتشر شد
شماره جدید فصلنامه Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication مربوط به پاییز ۹۸ منتشر شد
به همت پژوهشکده فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات جهاددانشگاهی، بیست و هشتمین شماره فصلنامه Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication مربوط به پاییز 98 منتشر شد.
مقالات این شماره عبارتند از:
- Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks, Maryam Bavaghar, Amin Mohajer and Sara Taghavi Motlagh
- A Study of Fraud Types, Challenges and Detection Approaches in Telecommunication ,Kasra Babaei, ZhiYuan Chen and Tomas Maul
- A Fast Machine Learning for 5G Beam Selection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications , Wassa Shafik, S Mojtaba Matinkhah and Mohammad Ghasemzadeh Investigate Network Simulation Tools in designing and managing intelligent Systems , Fatemeh Fakhar
- A New Capacity Theorem for the Gaussian Channel with Two-sided Input and Noise Dependent State Information , Nima S Anzabi Nezhad, Ghosheh Abed Hodtani
- Embedding Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing based on Big Bang–Big Crunch Algorithm, Afshin Mahdavi, Ali Ghaffari
- Reallocation of Virtual Machines to Cloud Data Centers to Reduce Service Level Agreement Violation and Energy Consumption Using the FMT Method , Hojjat Farrahi Farimani, Seyed Reza Kamel Tabbakh, Davoud Bahrepour and Reza Ghaemi
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